12 hours ago

12 hours ago

12 hours ago
Welcome to Still Advocating!
If you're here you might be looking for ideas and thoughts on a wide range of topics: education, inclusion, community, and random thoughts on our ever changing world. Below you will find a collection of new posts (original content) as well as older articles that have been archived from Chicago Now and other sources during my years of blogging. There are also links to my book and my newer articles on MyRetrospect, as well as older content from Medium and Huffington Post.
Terribly Strange and Wonderfully Real is a collection of essays from the perspective of a boomer woman staring down seventy and tackling life’s big themes: love, death, belonging, screwing up, surviving, finding meaning, and adapting (mostly) to change. Now available on Amazon and Kindle. Also available on Nook.
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