Dec 14, 2015
On the Third Anniversary of Sandy Hook
Light Your Candle and Pass on the Flame Published in ChicagoNow, December 14, 2015 Today is the third anniversary of the day a shooter...
Dec 3, 2015
Gun Violence and a Preschool Song of Peace
In honor of John Lennon who sang, “Imagine all the people living life in peace.” He was killed by a mentally ill man who had access to a...
Nov 3, 2015
Gun Safety A Tale of Two Grandchildren
Tyshawn age nine (Chicago Tribune photo) My granddaughter, also age nine Published in ChicagoNow,B November 3, 2015 Yesterday, I waited...
Jan 7, 2015
Stop Blaming Mental Illness for Gun Violence
A candle of hope – photo by Archeia Muriel Published in ChicagoNow, October 7, 2015 I feel like opening my window and shouting, like...